Questions about 2014

It's been 2 weeks since the year turned to 2015 and I decided I would still make this post about last year, 2014. I found these questions from my friend's blog which you should check out too :) 

(I apologize if some of these questions are somehow hard to understand or they are confusing! I had to modify them because I didn't do this last year)


1. Did you get a new friend in 2014?

A few new friends; Chloe & Roy (Korean exchange students), Ali & Emir (Turkish friends), Ivo (German friend, met while doing an international school project).

2. Did you do something in 2014 that you haven't done earlier?

Spent a night with a boy (in a foreign country), rode an elephant...

3. Were you in a relationship in 2014?

Yes ♥

4. Tell a couple of the best memories from 2014? 

All of my trips and the time I spent with S in London.

5. Did you got into a fight with any of your friends during 2014?

Not really. There were only some annoying moments and misunderstandings.


1. Did you change a lot during 2014?

I don't think so...but there are some things that I think about now differently.

2. Did you gain weight? 

A bit yes :( Unfortunately...

3. Did you go to the movies ALONE?

Yes, I went to see the newest Hobbit -movie alone.

4. Did you take a peircing or a tattoo? 


5. Who was your best new person?


6. Did you keep your new year's resolutions? 

I didn't make any. 

7. Did someone close to you give birth?

Yes, my brother's wife gave birth to a girl; Olivia ♥.

8. Did someone close to you die? 

Luckily no one.

9. Which countries did you visit? 

USA (New York), England (London), Thailand (Hua Hin & Bangkok), Turkey (Istanbul), South Korea (Seoul).

10. What would you want from 2015 that you couldn't get/have in 2014?

I want to see S more and get a summer job.

11. Which date will you remember from 2014? 

The day I met S after many months.

12. The biggest achievement? 

Passed all of my courses (with good grades).

13. ...and the biggest failure? 

Got grade 1 from the Business Mathematics course :D. 

14. Did you suffer from injuries?

Not from any serious injuries. I just hit my toes etc million times :D.

15. What was the best thing you bought? 

Hmmm this is hard...maybe my new iPhone.

16. For what did you spend the most of your money? 

Rent, food and travelling.

17. What got you the most excited? 

All the trips I made and applying to Bangkok University for exchange study.

18. The year 2014's people: 

Mum, Johanna, S, friends from Tampere, Ivo, exchange students, family.

19. Compared to 2013, were you happier or sadder in 2014?

Happier but in some aspects sadder for example because I got to see S less in 2014.

20. Fatter or thinner? 

Fatter...why this question has to be in here TWICE? 

21. Richer or poorer? 


22. What would you have hoped to have done more?

Work out and save money. Also spend time with S and my friends.

23. ....what about less? 

Worrying about stupid things and being lazy.

24. How did you spend Christmas? 

I was in Seoul with my mum shopping and eating Korean food. 

25. If you could go back in time and change one moment from 2014, what 
would it be? 

Some of the things I did or didn't do last time in London with S. 

26. Did you fell in love in 2014? 

Yes more and more ♥

27. How many one night stands did you have? 


28. What was the best TV show you watched? 

Do I really have to pick only ONE :D Well....The Walking Dead. It's just the best TV show ever! But there were a looot more TV shows that I also loved: Chicago Fire, Stalker, Criminal Minds, Z Nation, The Last Ship, Baby Daddy, The 100.......

29. Did you hate someone in 2014 that you didn't hate before? 

Not really...but I got more and more annoyed by some people.

30. What was the best book you read? 

The Divergent, The Walking Dead comics.

31. ...what about music? 

EXO ♥ And many other K-pop songs.

32. What did you want and got? 

A new iPhone and to see new places all over the world.

33. What did you want but didn't get? 

A summer job.

34. What was your favorite movie in 2014? 

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay part 1 but also The Divergent, Godzilla and The Hobbit 3.

35. What did you do on your birthday?

I was in Istanbul with my dear friend, Johanna. 

36. Who did you miss? 

S and my dad ♥

37. Who or what kept you sane?

Friends, travelling and music. 


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Seoul, South Korea 29.4.-8.5.2016 ♥